


journey of


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How You Can Expect to Live The Empowered Journey of You

Intro To My Multi-Passionate Life

Combating Seasonal Depression By Planting Self Care Seeds

about the podcast

You’re not ordinary. And your health journey sure as heck isn’t either. 

You’re living in a constant state of evolution. You love to work and love having fun. You make your own rules and want to live an extraordinary life without limits. When it comes to feeling empowered, it looks different for everyone. This podcast embraces the non-traditional path of what it means to step into your whole self and thrive. 

With too-real humor, fun stories, and uncensored advice – this podcast shows you that you can pave your own path and chase your wildest dreams on your terms. Even on the days when the hurdles get you down, you are capable of living a life that you adore. 

The Empowered Journey of You is a story-based podcast...

  • Powerful success stories 
  • Unfiltered failure narratives 
  • Non-traditional life paths 
  • Embracing the multi-passionate life 
  • BS-free health advice and mindset shifts

What we talk about 

...of the trials and tribulations of multi-passionate entrepreneurs who want to live life on their terms. We don’t shy away from talking about what it really takes to get lasting transformation in your health, cultivating meaningful relationships,and changing the world with your business and ideas so you wake up every morning almost in disbelief that you’re living in the present reality of a life you once dreamed of.

When we share what it really takes to get everything we want and be everything we want, we realize how similar we are: we all want more love, purpose, and connection out of life. With every story, we realize we’re all interconnected and that everyone has trials, tribulations, success, and failures- and they’re all a part of the journey. There's more understanding, and I think that’s beautiful because now more than ever, when we celebrate everyone’s unique life perspectives, we create the change that we want to see in the world and become empowered to live life on our terms. 

you can expect to hear about... 

start listening

Pick the episode that’s speaking to you, put in those earbuds,
and take a nature walk.

© Emma Terrazas, 2022  |  Legal  |  Site Credit |  Photo Credit