F*ck the quick fixes and unrealistic standards. Our bodies are not a phase or aesthetic trophy. They’re ours to love into our healthiest year yet. 

join the waitlist →


A New Type of Program 


In a world that tells you to focus on the scale and strive for a certain measurement, I want you to measure your health goals on the scale of impact they’ll have on your future. 

When diet culture comes for you and your sourdough bread, we’re going to have that conversation about eating real food that serves you and not the 1200-calorie-a-day influencer on your screen. 

When you’re being bombarded with a challenge to ‘lose 30 lbs in 30 days,’ we’ll lose the BS and create lifestyle shifts in movement, eating, and mental health that make next month one where you’re holistically healthy, not starving and thinner. 


In a world where health is laced with capitalistic ads of hustle, more, and buy– we’ll strip it down to the basics to make living a healthy lifestyle 

fun, easy, and within you. 

the revolution is you focusing on 

your health.

You mastering your body’s rhythms.  

You taking back your power as a woman. 

You choosing your habits. 

Come back to your body. 

Life happens. Whether it’s a baby, a pandemic, a new job, some hard news, more years on this planet, an injury, or a milestone– our bodies change. 

You like movement. You value health. But for whatever reason, you feel like healthy habits have taken a back seat while other things have taken the wheel.

And that’s ok. 


healthiest you've ever been.

because now you’re in a place where you: 

→ Want to be healthy for you. Whether it’s to feel good in a fun bikini or get fewer colds– you have your reasons and you’re ready to say yes to things that make you feel strong, sexy, and confident. 

→ Need motivation to get back to it, because you know the power other factors have on you putting yourself first. And you know if you’re in a space where people are doing the thing…you’re gonna do the thing. 

→ Are working so hard, you can barely fathom adding things onto your plate. Your career. Your family. You feel like an octopus doing 8 things at once that you’re too drained to focus on meals– let alone hit the gym for an hour, subjecting yourself to sweaty grunting men. 

→ Want to feel good. If we’re being real, you’ve had less energy. You’ve felt more irritable. Your sleep is hit or miss. And you want to feel that technicolor vitality that you felt when you were prioritizing your health more in the past. 

→ Are so f*cking over the wellness industry. You don’t want to bounce back or be the stick you were at 16. Even reading those words makes you wanna vom a little in your mouth. You want sustainable change and no patriarchal pressure in your morning routine. 



12 weeks to go all in on your physical, mental, and spiritual health– stepping into a routine that fuels your radiance instead of creating one that drains you with pressure. 

You have the power to change. Because when you choose change AND you make that change your own–, the goal post is thriving not some random number on a scale. 


12 weeks of no quick fixes. 

(Just a trampoline to a healthier rest of your life.)

No Judgement Zone 

After 7 years of coaching 100s of women, I’ve helped retired athletes and people who thought creatine was a fancy crystal name. Our community is a you-centered approach so we don’t do overpushing, shame, or difficult metrics– ever. 

A Lifelong System 

Change your body. Shape your habits. Rewire your mindset. Give your intuition a voice. We look at health holistically, because this system is you for life, not you for a summer season and magazine-worthy arms.

Woman-Focused Education 

Women are different. Modern women are also battling society every day. Through science, education, and flexible trainings, you’ll find what works for you– without patriarchal capitalistic narratives clawing at your kitchen door. 


mindset reset

module sneak peak

This 5 video mini series takes you through limiting beliefs surrounding food and fitness that are holding you back from reaching your goals.

Learn how to rewrite your story and rewire your brain so your mind becomes your friend, not your enemy. 


Nutrition as Fuel

module sneak peak

Learn how to eat and which foods to eat, the ins and outs of meal prepping, discover the magic of fasting, and how to sneak in healthy calories whenever you want.


Fitness as Freedom:

module sneak peak

It’s time to finally follow a plan that fits into your life so you stick to it and get those gains. We’ll get you out of your head and into your body so you feel strong AF inside and out. I’ll also teach you my top strategies to be consistent no matter what’s happening in your life. (psst… it has to do with Joy!) 


Develop Your Personal Fitness as a Modern Woman

Creating Routines That Ground You

module sneak peak

In this section, we will go over how to create more precious time for yourself to help you feel less " all over the place" and more calm and relaxed. You will learn all about morning routines, evening rituals, and how to create the best spiritual practice for you. 


Combating stress internally and externally 

module sneak peak

If you want to change your outer body, you must first change your inner world. Learn strategies to take control back over your habitual stressors and watch how your life shifts toward love. And hey, let’s ditch that stress and have some fun.


what's included:

Weekly group call check ins

I'll be teaching on different topics every week with live coaching so you get 1:1 attention within the group setting.

Personalized nutrition write-ups

with adjustments throughout the program.

A private group

designed to connect you to like minded women who are going through the same changes as you.

Daily support

inside the group to keep you accountable to the changes and shifts you’re making.

Lifetime access 

to The Wellness Revolution Course and call recordings so you can refer back whenever you need a reset.

At home and gym based workouts

focused on strength, mobility, and stamina

Pre recorded bonus trainings

on metabolism health and energy healing, eating a vegetarian diet and more with other industry professionals.

Sound Healing

plus, we got bonuses!

It’s easier to make physical changes when you’re able to heal the deeper root behind being unable to do the things you value. Through sound healing and breathwork, you’ll connect with your body– and and accelerate the rate at which you’re able to create new habits. We’ll have a guest sound healing practitioner, Sam, from A Space For Balance inside the group weekly with us.
accelerate the rate at which you’re able to create new habits. 



No more thinking about how to meditate- all you have to do is show up be.


We’re in this together 

"Working with Emma was honestly one of the most empowering and impactful experiences I've ever had in my life."

"She helped me with my food and my eating but I think what the most powerful thing is… she helped me with my mind. She helped me make crazy life pivots. Pivots in my business, in my personal relationships, and it’s amazing. I look at the person I was before working with Emma and the person after and I was like this is not even the same woman."


"These videos have really helped me change my perspective."

"I have been trying to work out more often, but my biggest obstacle is myself. I need to change how I think about working out and start thinking about how I feel after a workout. I need to stop saying I don't want to go to the gym because once I leave the house and get to the gym, I actually want to workout!"

— Lindsey B.

"These videos have really given me an interesting perspective on the whole process of adjusting your lifestyle."

"It feels really beneficial to gain new insight on how other people work to better their lives. Learning new ways to change the internal dialogue and have fun while living healthier is a great perspective."

—Becky C.

"Thank you for a these great videos!"

"I'm constantly looking towards the big picture because like you've said before, fitness and life in general is a constant journey. Not just a before and after! It's a here and now but also a continuum 💪💪💪"

— amy m.

"Give Emma and her process a try and make an investment in yourself.

"You will not be dissatisfied with her direction. She has a personal touch and Emma genuinely cares about your success in all areas of your life."

— virgina

"Emma's program is a complete lifestyle transformation."

"Whether you've been slacking on your workouts, have never put thought into your diet, or have been struggling with self love, her program resets all aspects of your journey toward change."


"I was able to find balance in my nutrition for the first time in my life."

"I quit binging and restricting certain foods. I learned new workouts and how to continue it all on my own. I'm so grateful. I'm in a much different place after working with Emma."


Sometimes when your life expands, it feels like your time is 

You have the wonderful partner. The beautiful kids. The career path that’s taking you to the moon. It’s so abundant and emotional and exciting, but it makes finding time to go all in on you harder.

When someone is truly on your side, and slashing unhelpful advice like we all have the same 24 hours– you can ditch the guilt of not being perfectly healthy and create a lifestyle where you and all of that abundance you’ve created, thrives.



About Emma 

I am that friend. The one who will cut you off mid-sentence when you mean girl yourself with ‘I hate the way my *whatever* looks.’ I will tell you you’re beautiful, not because I want to flatter you, because I’m so f*cking over hot women giving into the not-enoughness that is present on every street corner. 

I’ve always loved being active and eating well. That’s why I became a health coach. Life is great when you wake up feeling great. But I’ve also felt really down, sad, and judgemental when I looked in the mirror and saw my body change throughout my life. But then I decided that bodies CHANGE. That’s why they’re bodies and not breathing mannequins. So I imperfectly took back my power and shed the BS on billboards. 

As women, no one is coming to save us. They tell us how to look, but don’t show us how to feel. They tell us what not to eat, but not how to fuel our bodies. They tell us to exercise, but get mad when we move. 

I have big dreams. But beyond the success, the emotional bounce backs, the rejections, the friend dates, and the relationships– I really only have one thing (well, 2), my body and my health. And at the end of the day, that’s what matters.

The ability to chase the things you want with the body that can get you there. Because you’re in my world, I know you have big dreams too, so let’s make it so your body fuels your impact instead of holds you back. 

I realized we don’t need another ‘wellness’ program. 

We need a rebellion. We need a space that pushes us to love ourselves through change, not do 10 more reps. We need to practice being mentally, physically, and spiritually strong. We need to decide that we are a healthy woman and write down what that looks like. 

After a 6-year break up and lots of inner work, I’ve discovered firsthand the power of combining mindset, spirituality, and physical health. Nothing exists in vacuum and the women in my world who experience lasting change…

Go all in on all of themselves. 

The stakes are high. Don’t abandon you. 


I created The Wellness Revolution because after coaching hundreds of women over 7 years, 

The Wellness Revolution isn’t about quick fixes. It’s about creating

as you treat your body with the main character energy it deserves. 

discipline to last a


I’m looking for  woman 

Who was previously more active, but then life happened. She’s feeling discouraged but knows there is a radiant woman inside dying to be more consistent and strong. 

Who is stressing about her size and letting that mind chatter eat away at her when she’s trying to do big, hot girl sh*t with her life. 

Who may have gained some weight or lost some muscle, and is ready to lose the weight pressure that she feels to change rapidly while still changing into who she wants to be. 

She wants to feel energized. 

She wants to love herself more and express that love through all the kind words of affirmation she wished society gave to her at her darkest hours. 

She wants to deepen her connection to herself and even tap into her spiritual body to guide her physical existence. 

She’s unhappy with her spot on her own priorities list. 

She wants health to be a given in her life. Not a thing to do. 



It’s not about losing weight or seeing ab outlines. 

Will your body change when you change? Of course. But my wish for you is to be happy in your body. To love this version on the road to that version. I want you to feel confident. To feel powerful. To feel in control. To feel joyful. To stop zoning out on this life of yours wishing you were more X to do Y. It starts now.


We love the journey. We also love results  ↓

"If you’re on the fence, the return on investment is going to be more than you ever thought possible."

"It’s impossible to go through it without making life changes. I felt validated throughout the whole process. I feel like a new me. "


"I've grown so much in such a short amount of time and have done some serious work on ME which has made me a better mom, wife, and friend...

...because I'm happier and more confident in myself. I've learned to stop beating myself up and LOVE my body and how good it's been to me and also how to push through my own excuses and assumed limitations.... and for that I'm so grateful."

— meg

"WOW really love my learning experiences after watching these videos."

"Just taking a minute to reflect and how the common theme between them all is positivity, persistence, and accountability. All attributes I hope to be able to uphold within various areas of my life!! Being playful and not too hard on yourself with your shortfalls is a huge takeaway for me!!!"

— Anna H.

"The work we did together changed my mindset, which helped me change my life."

"Emma helped me develop new habits that give me more energy, help me make more intentional choices about what I eat, and (I can't believe I'm saying this) help me exercise in a way that I actually enjoy.   I can't recommend her enough!" 

— Michael

"I've got a lot to keep in mind but I'm so excited to do so!"

"Over the years I've definitely lost my playfulness and my playful side. It's because I've felt like I needed to be serious for a multitude of reasons! Thanks for this Mindset Reset Series!"

— Amanda J.

"without your help, I may have never gotten to this place with my health."

"I care so much more about how I feel than before I met you. You certainly changed the course of my life by being someone who modeled healthy behavior as a form of empowerment."



— The 12-Week Program for creating an entirely new way of operating physically, mentally, and spiritually
— Weekly calls to implement the education 
— A complete lifestyle upgrade 
— A community to shed years of conditioning and collectively turn into the women you want to be


By joining The Wellness Revolution, you will get:

$997 or 3 Payments of $347



*Scholarships are available for persons going through financial hardships. Please email with the subject line “ The Wellness Revolution” and we’ll be happy to assist you anyway we can.

© Emma Terrazas, 2022  |  Legal  |  Site Credit |  Photo Credit